We leave you below the list of Sub-offices of UBA XXI
ATTENTION : If the matter is not dictated in the local branch, you can choose to sign up for it at the headquarters or in another nearby branch. In this case, the exams must be taken there.
Activity in the sub-branches is governed by the same academic calendar and the same requirements as the headquarters.
Study material
- Each branch of the Program will guarantee access to study materials. Consult there.
- Students who wish to provide themselves with said material can contact Eudeba through its website.
Tutorials in sub-offices
The sub-branches inform about the times and places of the face-to-face tutorials that are
They take place in the locality.
Exam dates
Students enrolled in sub-sites take their midterm and final exams there on the same day as students from the headquarters. The places and times must be found in the sub-office where the students have made their registration.
Those who enrolled in a sub-office to take a subject that is only taught at the headquarters , must take their exams in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires .
UBA XXI Sub-Headquarters List: enter here