We leave you everything you have to take into account when registering for UBA XXI.
1- Enrollment at the University of Buenos Aires through the TAD platform
(Remote Procedure)
To enroll in UBA XXI you must do the "Pre-registration" to the University of Buenos Aires, click here to see the step by step of it ( CBC - UBAXXI ).
Students who have completed an enrollment form in the Common Basic Cycle, should check with the same CBC which procedure they should carry out.
In case you have any inconvenience, you can consult the Instructions for pre-registration.
Important : Those students who did the
pre-registration in advance, they must skip this step and sign up directly to the subjects.
2. Registration to subjects via Siu Guaraní
Once the “Pre-registration” is finished, you will receive an email with your username and password to enter the SIU GUARANÍ management system and enroll in four-month and / or intensive courses at UBA XXI.
If you have any questions, you can consult the Instructions for registering for the SIU GUARANÍ management system or access the frequently asked questions.
3. Login to Virtual Campus (Moodle)
To begin the course, they must enter the Virtual Campus of the subject from the SIU-GUARANÍ management system.
You can consult the Instructions for access to the Virtual Campus ( Moodle ).
At the end of this page you will find the button that takes you to all the necessary information about the academic subjects of UBA XXI that you have to know.